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Driving to the UK

June 5, 2020

Everyone entering the UK from the 8th of June must complete a form BEFORE they travel

URGENT: Covid-19 Important information before travel to the UK

We believe that everyone entering the UK from the 8th of June must complete a form BEFORE they travel. This includes HGV drivers. They will not need to self-isolate for 14 days.

They cannot submit this form until 48 hours before their arrival time in the UK.

The drivers will need:

·      their passport information

·      their travel details, including times and dates

·      the address where they will stay in the UK (if applicable)

·      contact phone number.

Drivers will need to show that travel is part of their job, for example a letter from the employer, a consignment note or operator’s licence.

Please make sure you are aware of the latest public health and quarantine measures in place in the United Kingdom at present. 

Please go to https://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk for more information and to find the online form. It is important that all drivers carry a copy of the completed form – either digitally or printed out – when they travel in case they are asked about it.

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